Saturday, March 29, 2008


The top ten reasons why baseball should keep the status and records of known PED users: (in no particular order)

1. Batting power is all about lower body strength. We do not know how much muscle gained from PED use goes to the lower body. But we do know that the majority goes to the upper body and therefore does not help that much.
2. "There is no evidence that steroiud use has altered home-rin hitting and those who argue otherwise are profoundly ignorant of the statistics of home runs, the physics of baseball, and of the physiological effects of steroids" Arthur DeVany
3. The jump in homeruns in the early 90s that most people think was due to PED use was actually because of a ball juicing in 1993-1994 where there was a change in the ball manufacturing process helping the hitter.
4. No one has ever claimed that any PED improves visual activity or reflex response speed. All PEDs can do is increase mmucularity. NOT HITTING THE BALL.
5. There have been all types of blantant cheating in the bast, where players have been allowed to keep records and be admitted into the hall of fame. Whereas the using PEDs is questionable on the outcome of the game. The precedent is set.
6. The testing policy has become a lot stronger. The use will be stopped from now on.
7. Most PEDs were not banned by baseball until recently, so players using them did nothing wrong by law or by baseball users.
8. Testing was not sufficient before so there will never be a way to tell who did what when.
9. The pressure put on players to perform is incredible. Even if PEDs don't have an effect, players will do anything they think will work to try and be ahead of the game. They are always fighting for a roster spot, playing time, or even incentives.
10. Many players believe in the myth PEDs help increase home runs. They are under pressure from GMs and sponsors to hit home runs. From the early 90s there has been an increase in home runs, along with that by no coincidence is a rise in attendance which means more money for everyone. Players are put into this pressure to try anything they think will work. The problem of PED use doesn't start with the players, so we can't blame the players. The mentality of baseball needs to change. Again, the mentality is changing, so MLB should just move on.

As sad as it there has always been cheating in baseball. There always will be cheating in baseball. PEDs weren't actually cheating until recently. The effect of PED use on performance in baseball isn't known but what is known points to no or minimum effect. With the new tougher policies MLB should just move on. They should treat these players no differently than other players. We will never know who did what when.

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